Submitted by acmfox on Mon, 02/01/2010 - 8:20pm
I ran like hell. Almost made it. The darkening sky took on an ominous tone. Naked trees became fluid, writhing silhouettes in the wind. Between gasps to fill my lungs with the hot air, I imagined that the branches were spelling druidic curses in the air. If only I knew the code. If only there was some magical way to understand the symbols and with a few, choice words mitigate the impending destruction.
And then I stopped. I understood. This was nature. This was cleansing on a grand scale, and this dirty old world deserved nothing less.
The rain came.


Mon, 02/01/2010 - 10:29pm

Enjoyable.  However, I don't like the word "imagine".  It took me from present thinking to past thinking.  I wanted to be in the moment


Tue, 02/02/2010 - 7:28am

Sharp, visually beautiful images. Extremely powerful for 100 words. I especially loved the branches doing the druidic curses. Nicely done.

Then the rain came... could that be stronger? Generally isn't rain gentle? Life affirming? Do you need a different word, torrent, perhaps or then the acid rain came? 


 Very, very nice. Very strong. Very good. It is amazing how few words are needed to create such a powerful image. To address Betsy's comment maybe - Then the rains came.

Dave K