Submitted by Frances on Mon, 01/29/2018 - 10:10pm


  1. A recent Nova  newsletter on geoengineering speaks of a form of it where, “The strategy takes its cue from volcanoes, which noticeably lower the Earth’s average temperature by spewing sulfur particles into the stratosphere. The anthropogenic version involves spraying sulfate aerosols into the sky via a plane.” But perhaps when, out of desperation, it is tried, lots of people get hysterical because they say it smells like Hell.  (Ed. I have to admit I don’t know if sulfate aerosols would smell the way sulfur is said to.)
  2. Mutations can be complex, with a number of effects. An advanced society thinks it has weeded out all the harmful effects. But a very long life gives a much greater chance for harmful mutations to kick in later. People think they have  “won” over death, didn’t see in time that there were hidden harmful effects, and then realized they should at least have had their offspring early in life instead of conquering the universe. Now there are bad mutations running rampant.
  3. Brains wired up for person to person thought communication under what are supposed to be controlled conditions start getting all kinds of weird input. Very annoying. And frightening. Ghosts?