Submitted by scifiwriterb on Tue, 05/02/2006 - 12:02am

There is indeed an SNW 10 contest, so anyone who didn't know can celebrate and prepare their yearly offerings for Dean Wesley Smith.

Rules're at

"Fiction is a lie. Good fiction is the truth in a lie."
-Stephen King

"Compelling characters and writing transcend category."
-Boris Layupan

I've outlined the broad strokes for 3 Star Trek Strange New Worlds (SNW) submissions on Monday 5/1/06. Woohoo!

My Decatur script rewrite is ongoing, but it's not consuming all my writing now.

I'm looking forward to putting together a kick ass group of submissions for SNW 10 and making Dean Wesley Smith go wow.

I of course have nonTrek stories in mind, but I've got my Trek hat on now.