Welcome to the home of SFWWiki.Write. This is a place to play, where we can hone our writing skills while having a little fun.


Submitted by cmsadmin on Sat, 02/11/2006 - 4:45pm

Date the Squid

by Dave Krenitsky

"The squid is gone," yelled Dave.

"So have the sushi. Don't be such a baby," Cathy never could figure out Dave's sense of humor.


Submitted by cmsadmin on Sat, 02/11/2006 - 4:41pm

C.M. Amidon

Date the Squid

A thin, bald man walked to the podium. "Good evening," he said in his squeaky voice. "I would like to welcome you to Tapioca, Oregon, home of Squid Fest 2005!"

The crowd of about two hundred cheered.

"My name is George Pantherton, chair of the Squid fest 2005 committee, and I'll be your host throughout the most glamorous of squid festivities. I know you're as excited as I am," George continued, "because this years Squid Fest will be the best yet!"

More cheering.

"We have all the usual festivities, the Squid Toss, the Streaking Squid, the Three Tentacled Race, the Ink Squirt, the Miss Squid Contest, plus many, many more. In addition to all the usual festivities, I'm pleased to announce a new addition to this year. This is a very exciting addition. This year, we're offering the Date the Squid Raffle!"


Submitted by cmsadmin on Sat, 02/11/2006 - 4:39pm

To add a creative spark to the group, and perhaps jump-start future submissions, your moderators have decided to issue another writing challenge. This one, like our Tracking the Muse challenge, is based on one of the wilder ideas to come out of our recent chats:

"Date the Squid".

It was too good a phrase not to incorporate into a writing challenge...now let's see what you can make of it. Is is a threat made to the crew members of a deep-sea expedition in order to keep them focused on their mission? An interspecies love story? A cruel dismissal of cubicle-dwelling, still-single techies? Or the results of gene splicing gone horribly wrong?

Finding Markets

Submitted by cmsadmin on Sat, 02/11/2006 - 4:34pm

Attached below is a spreadsheet named "sflist.xls" which is a list of markets taken from Ralan. This should make it easy to find a market for your latest work. To use it simply sort the data by the column(s) you wish and your markets are listed in order.

For example, using Open Office, select all (so the sort keeps all the data in the same row), under data select sort and choose column C (type) and column D (pay rate) decending. You will then have the print and electronic markets sorted separatly by pay rate. Click on the web link and find the best market for your story.

If you find any problems let me know.