Submitted by camidon on Fri, 02/24/2006 - 2:00pm

Anyone read this? Classic dark humor and hyperbole set in a war-time setting. Until recently, this kind of dark humor and satire could only be found in war-settings, as this was really the only plausible setting to unleash the truly gruesome of humanity. The books and movies of American Pscho and Fight Club are two examples of breaking out of this "war setting" constraint to examine Humanity's bestial underbelly.

It's a style of writing based on oppostites--set-up a central image of a character or idea or an event and then have the main character, Yossarian, believe the exact opposite of everything that was previously stated. It works beautifully.

Joseph Heller, the author, was never known for anything else, and some accused him of stealing the idea. Nonetheless, Catch-22 is worth the read.