Submitted by cmsadmin on Thu, 02/09/2006 - 11:52pm

OK, we have generational ships going somewhere. The first few generations, maybe as few as one or two are fully in support of the venture, but if the trip takes a long time, how do future generations react? As an example, think of South Africa: whites asked blacks to leave their homes to move to South Africa in exchange for jobs and a better way of life than they would have had otherwise. The first generation understood their position in the new society and accepted it. Subsequent white generations were happy with the situation. Subsequent black generations, however, didn't see any good justification for apartheid. Conflict ensued.

For the generations of voyagers, how happy are they with their condition now?

Possible storylines might explore:

  • What happens if the technology really wasn't good enough to last 10 years in space
  • What if children don't share the values/goals/ambitions of their parents
  • Are the philosophies that got the voyagers into space still valid
  • Is it too late to turn back
  • Ships that are newer are catching up with us
  • Are the voyagers evolving (natural or otherwise) to better meet the environment of space