Submitted by DaveK on Tue, 05/03/2011 - 5:18pm

This is a bit more than a simple bio but I've always had a hard time with writing assignments. If you see any problems with it let me know.

Dave K




Nathen opened the door to the publisher's office and walked in.

"Mr. B. How nice it is to see you. Is everyone ready to sign?"

Nathen looked at the stacks of manuscripts on the floor and contracts scattered around the desk. "I'm afraid my client is most insistent on keeping the biography he wrote."

"Writers. I think his idea of passing himself off as an alien might work if this was a science fiction novel, but it's a historical piece."

"He insists."

John pulled a sheet from a file. "OK, he writes, 'Blivnit Malstopli! was born 37 earth years ago on Gelisse 3 into a working class family. Since his youth he wanted to be a writer and pursued that dream through his schooling and early career choices. Alas, the caste system on Gelisse 3 prevents him from publishing there so he came to Earth to fulfill his dream. His first novel, Royal Screwing is a fictionalization of the attempted overthrow of Raymood the Weak by his cousin.' First, we changed the name title to Royal Betrayal. If I could force him to change his name I would." John looked up at Nathen, "What the hell kind of name is that? And where is his picture? We always publish a picture."

"As I said my client insists."

"Nathen, Nathen, this is a fine first novel and I do think outlines you've sent us for future books will make both of us a lot of money. But, he still is an unproven writer. I shouldn't even be wasting my time but you've been a good resource and I was hoping to talk some reason into your client."


"That's it. If you client doesn't accept our offer and provide a real biography and picture I'm afraid the deal is off."

Nathen stood up and leaned over the desk. He motioned John to lean in also. As John leaned in Nathen grabbed his head with both hands.

"What? Nathen, let go."

Nathen opened his mouth and a creature slid out and entered John's mouth. John stiffened and both men slumped into their chairs. John jerked a few times while Blivnit connected to his nervous system.

Nathen panted a few times and then looked at John. "Now you know why we don't have a picture."

John picked up the bio, scrawled OK and signed it. Then he dropped the folder into his out-basket. "All those doubters back home can dis me all they want but I'm a published novelist now." He looked at the folder again. "John is right. We do need a photo. Should we go with a young face or a gray haired gentleman?"