Submitted by DaveK on Tue, 01/26/2010 - 5:36pm


I wake up in my bed. I can't move. There is a bright light; it turns blue; everything fades.

I wake up on a table. I can't move. I remember going to bed. Past the light glaring in my eyes I see some gray shapes moving about. One of them leans close and I can see a shiny metal rod in its hands. Its fingers are long, too long for a human. It moves between my legs; the light turns blue; everything fades.

I wake up in my bed. I remember going to bed. My butt hurts.

 Good use of repetition. I'm not sure about the line, "It moves between my legs." If the guy is laying on his back, light glaring in his face, maybe something like, "Cold finger-like things roll me over," instead?

 Anneliese, I'm very close to the 100 word limit and I want to foreshadow his "butt" problem. Maybe - My hips rise into the air.