Submitted by DaveK on Mon, 08/08/2022 - 4:35pm

I'm having a hard time getting motivated but here is something. First is a redo of the opening of the prompt story. Not much but a start. Second is a try at a Grumpy Old Gods submission.

The Gullible Ones

Space has two speeds: slow, very slow and fast, very fast. Quite often they occur at the same time.

Jo charged into the room, "Talk," she commanded, "I got pulled out of a meeting with the space science senate committee."

"It just appeared. It wasn’t there before. I checked the log, the backups. It just appeared." Dem said.

"What just appeared?"

Dem took a deep breath. "I don’t know. It’s a kilometer across and moving toward earth. But it’s too slow to have traveled here. It just appeared."

Jo studied the screen. She grabbed the mouse and ran the time line back. Half an hour ago the radar was clear then it appeared out of nowhere. "Do we have a visual yet?"

"It’s over the Pacific. U of H was alerted," Dem checked his watch, "twenty minutes ago. We should be getting some early pictures any time now. I asked the to encrypt and email as soon as they had anything."


The Four Horsemen Mark II

War stormed in and slammed his hands on the table. "Who called this meeting? I’ve got Eastern Europe to look after."

Famine looked at the other three horsemen of the apocalypse and pointed at Death. "Death called it. It seems he’s not happy with his assignment. Thinks he doesn’t get enough credit."

"If someone dies in war War gets the credit. If someone starves to death Famine gets the credit. Last good pandemic I had was the Spanish Flu. Fifty million dead and I had to fight War so those sine World War I was happening. Since then they have discovered antibiotics and vaccines."

"You need a second to call a meeting." War looked at Conquest, "You?"

"I seconded," Conquest said. "Do you know how little land has changed hands since World War II? A few square miles here, an island or two there. No big empires taking shape or collapsing."

"So you want a change too?"

"Yea, Death and I talked it over. Don’t worry we don’t want any or your areas of specialization. In fact you can divvy up what we have. Conquest goes well with war and pestilence fits well with Famine. We found some new ones," Conquest said.

"You’re not asking for some of ours but are giving us yours?" Death asked.

"Exactly," Death said.

"So what do you want? You know it takes a unanimous vote to change the allocations," Famine said.

"I’m going to take politics," Conquest said, "It may not have the body count of war or famine but it more than makes up for it in misery and hopelessness. And as Death said the advances in medical science are keeping more and more of the war injuries and diseases alive."

"I still get the deaths," War said.

"And I the deaths from famine and disease?" Famine asked.

"Of course," Death replied.

"What do you get?" Famine asked Death. "What is left? Wild Beasts was in the original bequest but that was never a big contributor."

"I've had time to think about it. As Conquest said body counts are going down. More and more are dying of natural causes and none of us get credit for those. I’m going for something new. Something I expect will cause as much misery as politics. It can even cause some deaths but I expect those to be a small enhancement. What I want is the internet. Cyber bulling, porn, leaked photos and videos, and finally deepfakes."