Submitted by camidon on Mon, 04/03/2006 - 9:58pm

bob friedman

Wed, 04/05/2006 - 12:23am

The only way to avoid rejection slips is to give up on the business. I trust none of us is going to do that.

It's about that time I feel guilty and decide to write something. I'm not really sure why. No one else does, so it's a one writer show, but I somehow get something out of this or else I wouldn't continue to pester this virutal environment.

Got a couple of rejections recently--not unusual as I have a significant quantity of work on the market--however, these particualar ones are the most frustrating. One said, "Send another soon!" Another one was a generic form letter that then had four or five pen written lines praising the work, eager to read anything else near completion, yet a rejection all the same. Unfortunately, I have nothing else appropriate to send along or I would. These words of encouragement are certainly heartfelt and nice, but goll darn if they aren't frustrating as heck. I almost prefer a form letter--at least those I don't give a second thought about. I don't know.

It does look as if this business deal will happen. Time will evaporate if that's the case, and therefore I believe writing related activities will too. It's a give and take. I've had a number of years with significant time to write and I've created a body of material. I accomplished my goal, so I don't feel too distraught by giving up my writing time. Of course, a publication would be nice...
I've had a good ride with the NPS, especially at WICA, but the beaucratic crap final did me in at this last park. Any NPS Rangers you actually see get s**t on big time.

Received some exciting emails recently about Michigan caving and cavers. Gonna hook up with some. MI is not known for caves, thought it does have significant limestone bedrock, it's just all buried beneath glacial material. I've learned there's a 600 meter cave in the UP, and some other intriquing areas with potential--disappearing/reappearing lake stuff. Pretty cool. If I don't do something cave related every five months or so I start going cave crazy. It's a strange disease. I've been bitten by the cave bug.

It snowed today. Lots.

This is my new favorite smiley: :smt090