Submitted by camidon on Mon, 03/13/2006 - 11:40pm

So I was going to tell some amusing anecdote that relates to the title of this post, but that amusing anecdote does not exist. Yes, that's right, I was going to LIE. I had no amusing anecdote about riding the bus. Welcome to the wonderful world of fiction--convincing people what's written on the page is real--even if it takes place on an asteroid or worse than that, on a bus.

I'm kidding. I like busses. And trains. I suppose I like asteroids, especially if they are used for story purposes (except for crashing into planets as that's been done a zillion times and just thinking about Deep Impact or Armageddon makes little pink pygmys dance around my forehead.

It's late. I'm tired. My brain is fried.

No significant comments about writing, business, or the failing state of the NPS.

I've ALMOST completed "Mercury Rising/Generation Gap". Writing the final few scenes has been like trying to squeeze the last goo from the toothpaste tube. This has been a hard one to squeeze out, even with decent time alotted for writing. Obfucsate, the words sometimes obfuscate.

So I lied again. I just wrote some comments about writing. Maybe I should say I "fictionalized" again. I wonder how that would go over in the daily dealings: "I didn't lie, I fictionalized."

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