Submitted by DaveK on Mon, 09/28/2020 - 9:32pm

Not quite done. I kept changing who was who. I think I finally got the characters right.


In the beginning there were humans but some humans could manipulate magic and they became the rulers. Slowly they segregated themselves and became a distinct species. As their power grew they created other magical beings such as elves, orcs, unicorns and more. These beings could use magic to a degree but the magical humans now calling themselves mages limited what powers they could have. The humans remained completely unable to use magic and the mages monitored newborns to insure that magic abilities did not arise in the humans.


The mage finished the incantation and the portal opened at the far end of the lab. It’s edge was different than any he had created in the past and seemed to turn away in some unknown direction. Through it he could see a field with rabbits grazing in a pasture. He smiled and waving his hands he sent a death spell to one of the creatures. The rabbit continued grazing and didn’t even look up.

His face hardened and he looked to the elf and orc standing behind him. "You," he pointed to the elf, "Go through and catch one of those rabbits. Bring it back."

The elf nodded and leapt through the portal. On the other side it took one step then collapsed. It shivered and convulsed for a second then lay still. The mage motioned to the orc, "Go fetch the elf."

The orc stepped through barely clearing the edges of the portal and fell to the ground. It gasped for breath and tried to stand but collapsed its chest heaving as it fought for breath.

The mage walked to the portal and slowly pushed his hand toward the interface. When he touched it he pulled it back wincing in pain. In a store room two humans cleaning and tidying up. "You. Humans. Come here." He pointed through the portal. Go help that orc come back. And don’t touch the edge of the portal."

The man and woman stepped through and moved to each side of the orc. It had stopped breathing. They raised it up and stumbled back to the portal. It fell through and rolled to its back.

"Bring the elf back too," the mage ordered. The man picked up the elf by himself and they both stepped back through the portal. The orc gasped and started drawing in gulps of air.

"Back to work," the mage said and the two returned to the store room. The woman lingered near the door. She could hear the mage talking to himself. "I found it. The land of no magic. I’ll be able to create walls where none of my enemies can cross."

The woman hurried to the man. "We have to go through that portal. There is no magic there. The mages, orcs or elves won’t be able to follow us. We’ll be free."