Submitted by DaveK on Mon, 08/12/2013 - 2:11pm


Good news everyone! Per the 100% request for it I'm going to be posting these links on my SFWW blog: . So if you ever need to find an old link you will be able to. Big question is should I go back and create a bit of a history of these links. Let me know.

I'll also blog a bit about how my novel is progressing but recent history indicated that there won't be much on that topic sad After seven months I'm still working ongetting a first draft. It is a complex novel with a lot of characters and action. I'm more of a short story guy so I'm having trouble keping it all coordinated. I'm still plugging away though.

But don't let this stop you from stopping in for the chat. See you tonight.

Keep writing.
Dave K

Oldie but looks good:

About plots:

Don't make me cry:

Why stop at one book: