Submitted by cmsadmin on Sat, 02/11/2006 - 4:39pm

To add a creative spark to the group, and perhaps jump-start future submissions, your moderators have decided to issue another writing challenge. This one, like our Tracking the Muse challenge, is based on one of the wilder ideas to come out of our recent chats:

"Date the Squid".

It was too good a phrase not to incorporate into a writing let's see what you can make of it. Is is a threat made to the crew members of a deep-sea expedition in order to keep them focused on their mission? An interspecies love story? A cruel dismissal of cubicle-dwelling, still-single techies? Or the results of gene splicing gone horribly wrong?

Let your imagination fly...or sink, as the case may be, and send me your "Date the Squid" story by May 16th (next Monday) evening. We should have a lot of fun reviewing the results. smile

And if you'd like to know where we get these ideas, stop by our Monday night chats:

And the submissions were:

  • [FirstDate]
  • [SecondDate]
  • [ThirdDate]

-- AnnelieseFox - 19 Jul 2005