Submitted by Frances on Sat, 10/20/2018 - 8:31pm

A Trial


“It’s a nice night for almost Halloween.”

It was a nice night, soft and misty with occasional translucent clouds passing over bright stars and an even brighter three-quarters-moon.  Two friend from a medium-far city strolled along a rural road. Brought by a third friend, to visit a fourth in the small town where all had  grown up, they had excused themselves for a walk to enjoy long forgotten country fresh air and aromas.  And old memories. Discussions of people they hadn’t seen in years. They speculated about what might have become of them, hoping, if the memories were favorable, that things went well with them. And they remembered less pleasant things, as  well as some mysteries.

There were no streetlights, but the houses at frequent intervals along the road all had lights in front. Except one.

“That’s where that awful man lived, isn’t it? The one who tortured animals. I wonder if they ever found out where he disappeared to.”

“I asked. No, no one ever learned anything.”

“Really? How odd.”

“Even odder, no one seems to want to talk about it.  Still the big neighborhood mystery.”

“The house is falling apart. Look at it.”

“Probably tied up in lawsuits.”

“Why would anyone want it?”

“I suppose for the property.”

They stopped, considering the wreck.

“What’s that glow back there? Does someone have a campfire?”

“What? Back there? I hope not.  It’s just trees and bushes, rather dry. I haven’t heard voices, have you?”

“Maybe a homeless person? Maybe it’s time to go back.”

“Look again. It’s not a fire. Wrong color.”

“True. Very odd. Maybe some kind of LED light?”

“Still doesn’t seem quite right.”

Curious, they were both edging through weeds and bushes  towards the light, now. Very, very  quietly.

Well before they expected to, they could see past the vegetation. Just inside the forest beyond the decaying house  was a circle of small animals, cats and dogs, still, silent, staring intently at the shape in the center. That was difficult to make out but appeared to be a man. He was silent also but not still. Rather, he seemed to be twisting, contorting. His mouth was open as though screaming despite the lack of sound. The dim, strange light surrounded him.

The two interlopers gasped and began to back away.

After they had sneaked silently a good, long distance away, one said, “Well. Now we know. Sort of.”