Submitted by camidon on Wed, 05/10/2006 - 10:12pm

Are habitable planets common? Like Earth? Do destination planetes have to be like Earth?

  • If they are common than they are not valuble but if they are rare then they are harder to find, the subject of contention even war. I'd say common, but the closer to Earth, the more valuable, as the travel time is signifcantly shorter. CmAmidon - 27 Sep 2004
  • If evolution proceeds over a million years, the changes could be extreme--could Humans somehow colonize sulfur enviroments, gas giants, Hi-G? --Camidon 5/10/06

Then again this is set far enough in the future,why not have the technology that would terraform whatever planet they finally chose to settle on? There would be ways to take hostile environments and use their chemical compositions to make the planet for whatever life form would be needing it.

PLUS if there is going to be genetic modifications, perhaps each being that will be placed on certain planets can be altered to live in the already established environments.