Submitted by camidon on Wed, 04/26/2006 - 10:32pm

What year does this take place? When will the technology we need be ready?

  • On the WIP page I speculated 150 years. That is probably the bare minimum, but I am optomistic by nature. The time from now could be 1000 years. --DaveK
  • I think this is a good date to shoot for, 150 years in the future. So, 2150 sounds good to me. This gives us time to create the basic technology and more important infrastructure which allows sending lots of people into space in a hollowed out asteroid. -- CmAmidon - 24 Sep 2004
  • Maybe that is too close to modern times. Though economic incentives may stimulate rapid technological developement. I suggest we shoot for three hundred to five hundred years from now. Zager & Evans comes to mind (In the year 2525)-- BobFriedman - 04 Nov 2004