Submitted by Frances on Mon, 12/07/2020 - 9:51pm
"Well, Pearl, and what can we give the twins this Christmas?" Ellen said.
Pearl licked a paw.
"So fortunate I don't have to go shopping for them. Or for you. Actually, I'd be glad to, but not this year."
Pearl started on the other paw.
"Hi, Mom. Talking to the cat again?" The twins had arraived home and for once, had entered quietly.
"Of course she does. You know perfectly well Pearl understands every word."
"Yeah. Our weird cat."
"Who never seems to grow any older."
Grace sat down. "Mom, we've asked you before. But we're older now. Can you tell us where that cat came from?"
Greg sat down also. "Yes, you always evade. But we're older and smarter and we'd really like to know. Pearl was Grandma's cat, wasn't she?"
"I won't make silly cracks about witches. Grandma always seemed like a perfectly normal person. A very nice person, not at all witchy."
"And she went to church every Sunday, didn't she? At least when we visited her or she came here."
They both sat there, staring at her, radiating determination. And in truth, she was quite willing. They did need to know.
"Pearl came to my grandfather. He would never say where or whem.But it was apparently a situation of great danger and chaos. He was badly damaged."
"When I saw pictures, I assumed it was in the war. World War II," said Grace.
"I've nevef seen anything about him being in the service. Or being a veteran."said Greg.
"Neither did I and it puzzled me."
"No. It was way before I was born, and no one ever spoke of it to me, but I'm sure it wasn't that."
There was a little silence.  Then Greg said, "Pearl is where all those strange little things came from, isn't she. The things in those locked cabinets upstairs, that we aren't supposed to talk about or show anybody."
Grace hunched forward in her chair. "Yes. For a while I thought someone in the family must be an international jewel thief."
Greg snorted. Grace went on, "But I didn't think it was you, Mom. And there wasn't anyone else. Unless we have an uncle or someone you've never talked about."
Ellen had to laugh. "No, no."
"Didn't really think so. But they are nice little objects, like jewelry, mostly. And gorgeous little insects, but dead. Once I tried to match them against some books about insects I got from the library, but it didn't work."
Ellen took a deep breath and then said, "Yes, Pearl brings them back. I don't know from where. I ask her for something for one of you--or for her--and she runs upstairs--and disappears. I can't find her anywhere. And then a little while later she shows up with something in her mouth, for one of you. A little trinket. . . "
"Like my pen that never runs out of ink. I love it. But I have to be careful about using it in publc. It's so gorgeous, people keep asking me where I got it."
Ellen nodded. "And sometimes I've told her to get something for herself. That, when I've seen it, usually turns out to be a toy. At least I think they are toys. Very handsome ones." The twins both nodded. They had seen some. "Or sometimes she's munching on something. I don't ask."
"Mom, do you think Pearl can teleport?"
"Do what?"
"Mom, you need to read more science fiction."
"Like in those old Star Trek episodes. Being able to get from one place to another, instantly. Only Pearl would do it without anything to help her."
Their mother stared in astonishment. "Well!" Then she hesitated. "I can't say she doesn't"
The twins both nodded. "So that's what we'll major in in college next year. Not pre-law. Physics."